The Right Option For You
Boarding at Trent allows each family to choose a solution best suited to them. This flexibility also extends to the routine of the day, with plenty of time around study for each individual student to use their time in the way that best meets their needs.
Daily Routine
Monday – Friday
07:00 – 07:30 Wake up
07:30 – 08:10 Breakfast in the dining room
08:10 – 08:15 Registration in Houses
08:30 Registration with tutors
08:35 School commitments as day pupil until 15:55 *
17:30 Dinner in the dining room
18:25 House registration
18:30 Prep (duration depends on year group)
20:00 – 21:30 Evening activities
22.30 – All pupils in their rooms (bedtime dependent on age)
*Boarders are allowed off campus when they have finished academic lessons provided they have no further commitments, have been granted permission and have signed out.
07:30 Breakfast
12:00 Lessons end, lunch in the dining room. Boarders not staying Saturday night leave either after academic lessons or sporting commitments.
17:00 Tea for boarders staying at school on Saturday night
18:00 Evening activities
Brunch and dinner are available in the dining room. There are often planned activities and trips on Sundays, as well as essential free time. Boarders also have a chapel service on selected Sunday evenings during the year.
Student Boarding Survey Quotes

“Having a set time for Prep everyday has really helped me to stay on top of my studies.”

“Everyone is close, there really is a family feel in the house.”

“There is a nice balance between freedom and structure.”