We want our pupils to have fun and leave their self-consciousness at the door. With the reassurance and guidance of our specialist teachers, even the shyest of pupils are empowered to venture beyond their comfort zone and enjoy performing.

A class of pupils dancing in the dance studio.

School Values

The Elms’ values are a guiding current that flows through every area of our school and community. Within Dance and Drama, we show respect as an audience, demonstrate courage when trying new techniques, display honesty when offering feedback and convey our appreciation through applause.

A female pupil confidently speaking during a show.


LAMDA examinations in communication and performance are an optional enrichment activity that helps pupils to progress the skills acquired in Dance and Drama. For confident performers, LAMDA provides enhanced challenge and one-to-one tutoring, while less confident pupils benefit from extra time and focus on their development.


A male and female pupils performing together.

Arts Award

Our junior pupils benefit from two levels of the Arts Award. The Arts Award is a range of qualifications, accredited by Trinity College London, that allow children to engage with the Arts in different ways. Our students complete their ‘Discover’ and ‘Explore’ awards as part of our Dance and Drama curriculum in Years 3 and 5 respectively. This means they are ready to move onto their Bronze award at Trent College.


A role for everyone 

In Year 6 we introduce pupils to the magic that happens behind the scenes of productions. Pupils learn the basics of stage management and get involved with lighting and props.

Skills for Life 

Pupils grow in confidence and independence as they learn to perform effectively. They also gain valuable presentation and listening skills that will benefit them in all areas of the curriculum.


Commitment, focus and a willingness to try new ideas are all essential qualities in Dance and Drama that pupils develop as they progress. By KS2, pupils begin to reflect on their own performances.

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