Trent Schools

October 15, 2024

The Eco-Schools programme is operated by environmental charity, Keep Britain Tidy, with the initiative empowering young people to learn about environmental issues, take action and reduce their school’s environmental impact. Within the programme are numerous accreditations, including The Green Flag Award which acknowledges and celebrates the ecological achievements that are happening within schools and their ongoing commitment to protecting our planet.

Pupil-led Initiatives at The Elms

The successful renewal of the annual award is testament to the efforts and active involvement of members of the schools’ Eco Council. The pupil representatives are elected by their peers each year and the nominated pupils work with Mr Arrowsmith to implement a host of eco-measures across the school.
“At The Elms, we encourage pupil-led initiatives that empower ownership of sustainable practices. Through eco-clubs, green committees and environmental campaigns, pupils have raised awareness about pressing environmental issues, organised tree planting and initiated recycling programmes within the school and the wider community. These initiatives not only drive positive change but also nurture leadership skills and a sense of responsibility amongst the children” explains Mr Arrowsmith.

Members of the schools’ Eco Council were delighted to raise the Eco Schools Green Flag following a successful renewal of the accreditation for The Elms.


Creating a Sustainable Campus

The implementation of eco-friendly measures has significantly reduced the ecological footprint of The Elms. The installation of energy-efficient lighting, solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems have contributed to reducing energy consumption and reliance on non-renewable resources. Furthermore, the school has invested in recycling programmes, composting facilities and smart water management systems to effectively reduce waste and promote resource conservation.

Curriculum Integration

The Elms has actively incorporated environmental education into its curriculum to emphasise environmental stewardship and sustainable living.
Pupils engage in hands-on activities, field trips and projects that explore topics such as biodiversity, climate change, recycling and renewable energy. By integrating sustainability education across a range of subjects, The Elms equips its pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to become environmental advocates in their communities.

Find out more

Read more about our balanced curriculum where learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom. To arrange a private tour of our specialist teaching areas please submit an online enquiry form to our Admissions team.