In Key Stage One (5-7 year olds), the emphasis continues on helping each child to become proficient in literacy and numeracy.

topic based learning
Children learn new skills, and have the opportunities to put them into practice, through a ‘topic based’ curriculum that brings in elements from Geography, History and Science, Art and Design. The study of topics bring the curriculum to life and give children a context to apply the skills and knowledge that they have been learning.

excellent teachers
Our Year 1 and Year 2 classes are taught by well-qualified teachers and supported by experienced teaching assistants. High adult to child ratios and small class sizes enable children at The Elms to make excellent progress. Specialists teach Music, Dance and Drama, French, PE and Games.

new opportunities
In addition to studying a new range of topics, children in Years 2-4 also learn to swim, with swimming lessons each week on-site in the Trent College swimming pool. The recorder is taught to Year 2 as an introduction to reading musical notation. Throughout Key Stage One, children make visits to places of interest to support their topic of study. We also welcome many visiting speakers and theatre groups into the school to work with the children and enrich the curriculum.