The pace and breadth of the curriculum in Key Stage Two steps up a gear to give the children a first rate preparation for their senior school by the time children leave The Elms in Year 6.

The teaching day is longer in Key Stage Two, running from 8.30am until 3.40pm. Most of the children then either take part in one of a huge range of after school clubs available to Key Stage Two children or stay for after-school prep (supervised by a teacher and teaching assistant) until 4.30pm.

enhanced specialist subjects
The curriculum is still delivered through history and geography topics, but English, Maths and Science are increasingly taught as discrete subjects. As children move into Years 5 and 6 (9-11 year olds), Music, Games/PE, Drama, Modern Foreign Languages, Art, Design Technology and ICT are taught by specialist teachers. The form teacher focuses on teaching each class for English, Maths and the Humanities.

musical opportunities
All children in Year 3 are sponsored to learn to play a musical instrument with free one-to-one instrumental tuition. As well as learning an orchestral instrument, children also participate in a music ensemble at lunch-times with children learning the same instrument. We have found this to be a very successful way of encouraging children to learn their instrument and to be immediately part of a successful group making music together.

personalised sports lessons
Another development for children in Year 3 is the separating of boys and girls for the teaching of games. Children are taught the sport of the term, for Boys this includes Rugby and Hockey. Whilst the Girls are taught Hockey and Netball. In the Summer term, all of the pupils are taught Cricket in joint lessons.