MR Reynolds
shuker housemaster and head of computing
joined Trent College: 2013
As Head of Computing and Housemaster of Shuker, one of our four boarding houses, Mr Reynolds is involved within multiple aspects of the school community.
Career Highlights
Becoming Housemaster has been the highlight of Mr Reynolds’ career so far. Having previously had the roles of Assistant Housemaster and Duty Tutor, the achievement of being a part of the continued history of Shuker House is something he takes great pride in.
Living within the boarding house, Mr Reynolds provides dedicated overnight and weekend supervision for the boarders, working with them to create a positive and collaborative house ethos. Showcasing his expertise in both pastoral care and academic leadership, Mr Reynolds holds a Boarding Schools’ Association Certificate in Boarding Practice and an Independent Schools Qualification in Academic Management (ISQAM).
As a Housemaster, Mr Reynolds is committed to helping boarders discover their place in the world, guiding them through their strengths, weaknesses, and interests. He actively participates in activities such as morning football and school trips, making boarding life supportive and enjoyable. Alongside this he is also the Head of Army within the CCF (Combined Cadet Force) giving the opportunity to see another dimension of the pupils.
Teaching Responsibilities
Along with his CCF and boarding duties, Mr Reynolds is also the Head of Computing. Teaching students across all year groups, from Year 7 to A-Level preparation in Year 13, he provides personalised support to help students. Within this role, whilst running the department, he also is responsible for managing a team of staff alongside creating and setting schemes of work.
Mr Reynolds also inspires students by offering engaging computing activities as part of the school’s wide co-curricular programme. Helping to inspire pupils with his own experience and passion of computer programming.