healthy AND active LIFESTYLES

All of the sports facilities required by pupils are located within our 45-acre campus. A range of indoor and outdoor spaces, including a gym and swimming pool, ensure that pupils receive a first-class sporting experience.


Inspiring Teachers, Specialist Coaches

Our extensive sporting programme is facilitated by a large team of specialist staff, who teach all pupils, from 3 to 18 years old, to embrace an active lifestyle. With staff who have competed or still compete at county and national level, they are ideal role models for the next generation of athletes.

A Sixth Form boy kicking a rugby ball on the pitch.

Our Philosophy

Our aim is for every pupil to discover activities they enjoy that motivate them to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. The ‘3 Ps’ philosophy forms the foundations of our whole school programme. At Trent, the 3Ps are Participation, Progression and Performance; at The Elms, they are Participation, Progression and Preparation.

Creating our own DNA

We believe that when pupils demonstrate the right behaviour and attitude, the score will take care of itself. Our sporting staff champion this belief and lead by example. We want our pupils to take pride in their performance and remain committed to hard work and teamwork.


Discover how we integrate sport



Pupils display very high levels of skill in creative and sporting endeavour, resulting in a range of excellent individual and group achievements. The overwhelming majority of pupils engage enthusiastically in art, drama, music and sport, and team or individual achievements are frequently recognised at local, national and international levels.