Mr Boswell
Head of Cricket
Joined Trent College: 2011
Mr Boswell is Head of Cricket at Trent College and is responsible for the development of the school-wide Cricket programme. His aim is for all pupils to enjoy the sport no matter which level they play at.
Professional sportsman
As a professional Cricketer with Northants and Leicestershire for 10 years, Mr Boswell is ideally placed to support pupils with learning and mastering the sport. In addition to his role as Head of Cricket, Mr Boswell also manages the 2nd XI Hockey team and U13 A Rugby team.
Helping pupils to go further
Mr Boswell is passionate about creating new opportunities for pupils. He has introduced umpiring and scoring courses for all year groups as well as developing an annual programme to support the Performance players which covers physical, mental tactical and technical aspects of their game with input from professional coaches.
Mr Boswell enjoys seeking out competitions for pupils to participate in so that they can develop their skills on the pitch. Examples include the U12’s touring York every year to play in the Super 8’s competition whilst the U14’s and U15’s enjoy cricket festivals. For pupils looking for an overseas experience, attendance at The Arch Trophy in Dubai is arranged for boys and girls every other year.
In addition to his roles on the sports pitch, Mr Boswell upholds the schools’ excellent pastoral provision as a Year 9 tutor.
Mr Boswell has played a key role in the development of girl’s cricket which is now highly successful at Trent College and The Elms. Having been at the school for over ten years, Mr Boswell has many wonderful memories, and he is extremely proud of the numerous pupils who he has supported that have gone onto be highly successful with their cricketing endeavours. Highlights for Mr Boswell include the U13’s reaching the ¼ final of the National Cup in 2018 – the furthest achievement for this age group and in the same year, the U15’s reached two national finals!
When Mr Boswell is away from Trent, he is coaching professional and local teams including Loughborough Lightening, Trent Rocket Professional, Plumtree CC and Dynamic Cricket to name a few!