Facilitating Learning
Our Reception classroom is set up to spark children’s imagination and inspire creative play. The fully equipped learning environment features zones such as ‘Cosy Club’, ‘Builder’s Yard’ and ‘Home Sweet Home’, all complete with carefully curated and set out resources. These areas are always present with the periodic addition of specific new items designed to initiate intrigue and creativity continuously. For example, seasonal or themed items like birthday banners or Christmas decorations, a dressing table and stool being added to inspire hairdresser roleplay. The addition of a dog bed and food bowl sparked intrigue which was accompanied by animal books and made links to responsibilities of looking after pets such as the class gerbils.
The Elms Environment
Incorporating real world items fosters the exploration of language; for example, a discussion about the material the item is made of, the size and shape or care necessary when using an item, the origin of where something comes from or how to use it properly within the real world, leading to constant discovery and learning.
The environment showcases deconstructed roleplay to encourage creativity and problem solving. These loose parts can be used within play – a bicycle wheel is turned into a steering wheel, boxes into a tower and empty baskets into a castle.
A Blend of Both Child Initiated, and Teacher-led Learning
Teacher-led learning takes place when adults are directly sharing knowledge and skills such as during our specialist lessons like Music or French and in learning such as Read, Write Inc. phonics. The concept of child-initiated play, where children select their resources and choose what and how they wish to explore, can be enhanced by the adult as an ELF. ‘ELFing’ is when adults take on the role of Early Learning Facilitator to play alongside, support and extend child-initiated play, such as offering post-it notes to a construction play session to inspire the creation of signs to label parts of a model or looking at a world map to look where coffee beans come from when making coffee in the ‘Home Sweet Home’. By linking other lessons and weaving learning objectives into play, staff further the concept of continued learning.
Understanding Your Child
At The Elms staff understanding and know the child as a learner. By spending time observing play, the teacher is able to identify strengths, interests, play styles and areas for development for each child as an individual. Following the responsive planning structure, these insights are then used to inform the planning of the learning environment and experience. Learning is shared with parents through Tapestry, an online learning journal, as well as teacher feedback at Parent consultations and in reports.
Find Out More
Once registered for entry to Reception, children will have the opportunity to spend a couple of hours experiencing the exciting provision and facilities both inside and outside the classroom, as well as meeting new friends and the Reception Teachers, who look forward to getting to know them.
If you would like to learn more and see how Reception at The Elms can help your child to flourish, please contact our Admissions team on 0115 849 4950 or follow this link to arrange a tour.