Why Board?
Senior boarding offers a stimulating and supportive environment to develop personal responsibility and self-reliance, which helps students to be ready for university or employment.

Time to focus
It is common for students to seek to change status from a day student to a boarder during their time in Sixth Form. This decision is often due to increasing time pressures and students taking a greater involvement in school activities (academic and extra-curricular). Boarding allows every day to be used fully to develop confidence, understanding and performance.

A dedicated community
We have four different, single sex houses tailored to the needs of all Sixth Form students. Some prefer to mix predominantly with those of the same age (Years 11-13), as a first step toward University life, others enjoy a mix of ages where they can be in a position to advise, support and guide younger boarders.

Follow your passions
Boarders have a special place in the Trent College community. The character and talents of every individual are valued and nurtured through the rich curriculum, programme of activities and other opportunities, which we offer as an integrated strand of our boarding programme rather than an added extra. Boarders are able to commit the maximum amount of time to their studies, co-curricular passions and other areas of specialism without losing time to the daily commute.

“Boarding has given me back the time spent travelling to and from school, meaning I now have more time to focus on my studies.”

“The evenings and weekends are always full of activities, there is never time to be bored as in boarding you have your friends around you all the time.”

“Boarding at Trent will encourage you to do independent work and more self studying.”
Pupils exhibit a heightened capacity to make informed decisions in a range of situations that impact upon their success and well-being and that of others. They learn to mould their choice of clubs, societies and enrichment activities to suit their personal interests and aspirations. This ensures that they commit and contribute to programmes with great enthusiasm.